I am a storyteller who writes across different genres. Here is a list of my small scattering of published pieces online. Enjoy! 


Take The Green Pill, You Stay Out of Wonderland in Xylom

For This Desire, I Choose The Sun in Xylom

Time And Chance, LOATAD RESIDENCY in Accra


Bush Baby in Illino Media

Dead men eat in Kalahari

Souvenir in Isele

How I learnt to drive  in Xray Lit Mag

Silence that Spoke Winner Union Bank Campus Writing Challenge - Okadabooks


Blue Hour Notes - Bella Naija

You Need More Than Dreams - Bella Naija


Three Poems in A Long House

Motion in Minnesota Review

I am wanted everywhere in Swimm

A Brackish Silence in The Willowherb Review

Fact-checking for lovers in Agbowo

Phases in Lumiere Review 

And in all these ways a woman is god in

Nigeria News Direct, Poetry Column- nnd

Openings in Crow & Cross Keys

Traffic in Amplify

Delta in Amplify

Thirst in walled city journal

The clock is a jealous wand in Indianapolis Review

Give and take or how God takes his revenge in Blue marble Review

Daggers in Nectar Poetry 

The Sisters in Setotonin Poetry

In my country girls disappear in Jfa Human Rights Journal

Protest in Jfa Human Rights Journal

Pollination in The Hellebore 

How I take flight & other poems in The African Writer Magazine

Market place in West Trestle Review 

Women are fire in Artmosterrific 

Breathing feels like sin in Brave Voices

Heartbeats & Skating away in Mixed Mag 

How a beating heart becomes Specimen in Okada books 

We were Superheroes in the Say your peace Campaign - Spread the Word Uk
Giant Nigerian Students Poetry Prize (NSPP) 2019: Top 100 Poem


LitAfrika - Abijan & Accra Strauhof Zurich 2024 - West African Writers Residency

Judge, SprinNG Women's Author's prize (SWAP) Interviewed by Adedolapo

Poet For The Month Interviewed by Precious Okpechi for 20.35 Africa's New Poet Series


Contemporary Nigerian poetry; 30 Nigerian women poets you should be reading this match - Nigeria News Direct, Poetry Column- nnd


  1. this is coming from a baby writer who is trying to put their work out more. i write poems on my WPS, sign my name on the bottom, and take a screenshot.*i didn't know i can get published on e-magazines * recently, i discovered you & your ability to unearth stories, how you gently, yet firmly ground the roots of language inside poetry, how you bend the wor(l)d. you give me so much hope and fear (as i dont know if i will ever write pieces worthy of publiction). i remember reading 'souvenir' and experiencing my body moving *rising and dropping * inside my dress. God, you are good! your works are so uncircumscribed. sometimes, it feels like your words are growing, growing past what is spread on the pages. *tell me, what do you carry as you move inside the world?* i read 'sisters' and there was wetness around my eyes. there is a child of yours in an anthology on spriNg, you named it 'why i write' that is my favourite, & it is because i think that is the work that best reflects the colours of your soul. thank you so much for telling stories.

    p.s was there ever time when you were not this good?
    how did you grow?
    can i grow? and why does it seem so impossibel?

    1. Omg!!! Your words are too kind, and I am not even crying 😭 😭 see, shoot me an email let's get to know each other


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