This is a conversation I had with my friend on WhatsApp on gender equality. We had a little back and forth until we got to the equity part. I consider it an interesting conversation to share outside WhatsApp so I put it up here. What you are about to read is his message to me and my response to him. I'd love to read your opinions on this. What are your reservations, what feels true to you? What do you agree or disagree with?
You can go on and on...
But you're still missing where I'm coming from.
I told you I don't support gender equality. I support Gender equity.
Why? Simple. We're not the same.
No matter how we try to paint it, with sentiments and stuffs,
No matter the injustice that may be deduced in it,
The fact still remains.
Male and Female are two different species altogether. Even God had to be particular in making the differences down to the minute physical attributes.
We're different emotionally, psychologically, physically, mentally. Although the mental part vastly majors of individual differences than Gender differences.
If the two homo sapien species are this different,
why advocate for equality?
That will be wrong.
We are not equal, and therefore, can't be treated equally.
I'm not saying men are greater than women,
I'm saying that males are superior to females. It's a well known historical fact.
But the real problem is that the males tend to be superior and take advantage of the females even in their little right... Just like the proverbial rich man who had many cattle yet went to kill that one Lamb of the poor man for his visitor.
That's why I advocate Equity. Fairness.
Even down to our homes, your parents probably won't treat you the way they treat your brother.
Historic facts even uphold that.
You Feminists turn away from the ills that befall men because they are men and focus more on the marginalization of women which actually isn't as intense as you all posit it to be. You also forget about certain privileges you guys automatically get just because you are women.
Over history, men are the one that get whipped, women aren't (just because they are women). Most times, if they do something that warrant whipping or something, it's a male from her family that will be called upon to bear the pains. You also forget that it is the men that go to war and die fighting to protect the women. If you wanted Equality, why not the women fight alongside the men too? But no, they stay at home tending to the children... and chickens.
Over the times I go camping, the best places are always reserved for the females. Just because they are females. There were many times we had to sleep on the floor of a windowless class and bathe in the open wgile enduring the chilling cold while the girls sleep in warm beds and bathe in good bathrooms with steamed water!
Yet, did we complain? No. Because we get to have certain compensations and privileges. It's like a balance of power.
Naturally, women are weak physically (there are few exceptions tho).
So hard works and jobs are reserved for the men. If you all want equality, let's start there. Do what we do.
"What a man can do, a woman can do better" is one of the most ridiculous statements I've heard in this century. It's absurd. Fallacy of false generalization. I actually know there are some things a woman can do better than a man like childbirth for example😂🔥.
So my dear,
If we begin to unravel the ills men face and the privileges women get even when it is at the detriment of a man, you'll believe that what you should be advocating for is Equity. Your rights shouldn't be trampled upon and stuff. Like the voting part. It should be for everyone. Women should have a say in the government.
But when it gets to women getting the same privileges reserved for Men,
Don't go there.
We don't get to have those privileges reserved for women.
You can not support gender equity and be against gender equality.
Gender equity is the process of being fair to women and men. To ensure fairness, strategies and measures must often be available to compensate for the historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from otherwise operating on a level playing field.
Equity leads to equality. Equity is simply ensuring that women reach the heights their male counterparts have reached just because they have a penis. Equity Is a means to an end.
This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations, and opportunities. Women have over time being denied basic human rights, so to say they cannot have those rights because the men are going war and moving mountains is a bit of a reach.
There is this tone I perceived while reading what you sent, in some places you used "little rights" and you even went on to give an analogy about the proverbial rich man, taking from the poor as a metaphor for men oppressing women. lol... To use these types of analogies when referring to the injustices done to women is demeaning, it is also to ignorantly suggest that
And you keep saying fact lol. Fact is simply, in my opinion, information used as evidence. A widely accepted version of what people perceive to be their truth. That something is a fact does not mean it cannot be unjust. And for context in my house, I and my brother are treated differently largely because of the age difference, not gender.
You are talking about women tending to chickens while men went to war in society. Are you kidding me? Men have silenced women, took their power to vote, societally misconstrued them into believing they are made to pleasure men and when it is time for war, you want them to pick up a rifle. Humour me!
Plus do you know that even to this day women pass tests required to enter the navy and army and majority of them are denied simply because they have a vagina?
It's happening even to this day, now imagine the backlash women of the old would have received had they declared interest in going to war and even then, in the harsh conditions some of them still persevered.
For context, Women in World War I( this is just one instance out of many) were mobilized in unprecedented numbers on all sides. The vast majority of these women were drafted into the civilian workforce to replace conscripted men or work in greatly expanded munitions factories. Thousands served in the military in support roles, e.g. as nurses, but in Russia, some saw combat as well. Google their names by yourself.
Also, this is another argument I very much understand. Some Feminists argue that ‘women were not warriors’ their job was not to ‘bear arms’ but ‘bear armies.' Engaging in combat would undermine the argument that it was not only those who fought for their nation (men) who had a right to the ultimate gift of citizenship and right to vote.
Another proof that all men have is audacity. Did you hear about the Alabama Abortion ban? Most of the US state laws banning or severely restricting access to abortions have been voted on by male politicians. Do you realize how wild it is that this decision about an issue concerning women so intimately is being made almost entirely by men? 51% of women make up their population yet it's law makers are 85% male. Should men have the right to rule on an issue that impacts women so intimately? And this is just one example !!!!
And as for your camping experience of men being treated more harshly, that is a sad thing and one idea of feminism is to show that being emotional and vulnerable is not a sign of weakness and boys too should be allowed to show that side. "Be a man! be a man!" is the reason suicide rate is higher for men.
And you said you people camped under harsh conditions as boys and you people did not complain because you knew you have other dear, that is not balance of power and it is sad that you will use the inconveniences men suffer on some occasions to compare to the injustices that have shaped women's existence over centuries.
It's ludicrous to me that men, never complain that they are oppressed or maltreated until women start talking about the injustices done to them. I have not seen a men's right movement existing on its own for its own sake. Or to help and encourage men to be the best version of themselves. It is always done to belittle women's experiences or as a response to women's push back against injustice, a twisted, untrue and selfish kind of #metoo movement. If men only shout about their "issues" when women are expressing their grievances and disgust over the discrimination and injustices done to them then this goes to show that men are simply privileged and benefit more from society than women. And that in itself is sheer injustice.
Lastly, In the words of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. "Gender is not an easy conversation to have. It makes people uncomfortable, sometimes even irritable. Both men and women are resistant to talk about gender, or are quick to dismiss the problems of gender. Because thinking of changing the status quo is always uncomfortable.
Honestly this conversation is very intelligent and educative
ReplyDeleteI learnt from both parties
And Roseline couldn't haved dissected that pictorial illustration any better....
This is very interesting and I enjoyed it
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! Glad you enjoyed it
DeleteThis is a very informative and educative post. I have few things to say though.
ReplyDeleteOn one hand, I understand equity to be fairness and lack of partiality. I know that women and men are totally different species, but saying that men are superior is absurd. That is the point where equality comes to play.
In order to rule with equity, you have to understand that regardless of our differences in nature, we have equal rights and should be treated equally.
It is extremely ridiculous to say that men go to war and women stay at home to tend to children and chickens because those women were never given the oporopportunity to choose between going to war and staying at home, while the men were forced to war including the incapable and unwilling.
Someone would easily say that if the women had been given options, they'd have chosen to stay at home but you don't know that, because there are many women who are passionate about things like this but never get down to showing it because society says that women have to be calm, quiet, prim and proper, to be marriageable.
I agree that women enjoy certain privileges, just because we're women, but the unfairness and injustice supercede the privileges. Don't men enjoy privileges because they are men too? The odds are in their favour. They get managerial jobs that their qualified female counterparts won't be given, just because they are 'men'. We see landlords who swear over their graves that single ladies wouldn't be their tenants, but rent apartments to single men.
All I'm saying is that equity is logical but for it to stand, equality has to be established.
Your comment is the perfect depiction of "know this and know peace!" Everything you said was very Apt.
DeleteI really found it very interesting.
ReplyDeleteDear you just hit the nail on the head ( you are on point).
Thank you