in Issues

Friday 1 March 2019


Reading habits

Hey there my love, I am here to tell you why you should not be reading and also help you improve your reading habits so you can find your reading forte.

Reading habits

   You know reading can be a good thing.
I mean it is a good thing because it expands your horizon. It equips you with knowledge and all of that good stuff but It can be toxic If you’re doing it for the wrong reasons , you’re probably waiting for me to hit the hammer on the nail , I will hit It, just keep reading.

I have passion for teaching KIds to become readers, to become comfortable with a book, not daunted. Books shouldn't be daunting, they should be funny, exciting and wonderful;and learning to be a reader gives a terrific advantage- Roald Dahl

Reading habits

 I get a lot of questions from people about my reading habits aka why I love books and how I read books.

This time, It is not about Academics or school work because to be honest sometimes most Nigerian students including me only read to pass exams maybe because the educational system and process is boring and stressful. If you are in the abroad is it better there? Tell me, that is an issue for another day. 

Reading is the discount ticket to everywhere - Mary schmich

Reading habits

We will be discussing other books, not school books, so don’t run away grab a glass of anything that you can gulp down your throat  without causing trouble for your stomach and let’s engage ok.

DISCLAIMER: I don’t read as much as people think I do, a lot of my people will disagree but it is the plain truth. I just try my best.

Now, I don’t know if it’s just me but I face a lot of pressure when it comes to reading books, like when I look around  and I see people who  can read for Africa.

I just find myself wishing I could read more. You probably have that one friend that reads a lot and you wonder how he/ she does it? Like how and why does he/she enjoy reading? 

Reading habits

I don’t have all the answers but I know people read for different reasons. I also know everybody can read books, anybody can become a bookworm, you just need to find the right book and the right medium to read the book. 


1.  JUST BECAUSE OTHERS ARE READING: listen, you can be motivated by the reading ability of others but when you start seeing it as a competition ‘’as per I read pass you’’ It only means you have lost your essence and sense of direction, don’t resent yourself if you’ve done this, it is totally okay just snap out of it, I have been there, I have done that. 

See eh that Ada read 50 books in three weeks is not a reason you should read or buy 100 books to read, you will end up missing all your schedules and appointments and you will not enjoy it.
 I was the chairman on that table till I nearly failed one of my courses trying to finish ‘’THERE WAS A COUNTRY ‘’ by Chinua Achebe simply because someone on Instagram bragged about reading it, I wanted to prove myself, to show them that I can read big books too , I have still not finished it and it is not about to be finished anytime soon.

There was a country
One day I will take a cozy vacation and read this book well until then, borrow pose!

My Point is, everybody has the unique ability to plan and execute differently so don’t go out of your way because someone is going their way. Amen! 

I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once- C.s Lewis


Remember the review of a book is very subjective to the reader whether good or bad. It is what the reader thinks and interprets from the book, there are diverse perspectives and personalities in this world o. If I hate a book you might be love struck by it. So read a book because you are Interested in the genre or even because you love the cover lol anything. Just do it for yourself. 

Reviews can help you want a book ,for instance I have heard only good things about Trevor Noah’s  ‘’Born a crime’’ and I can’t wait to read it.
I might read it and not like it (doubt that),let's  say I do a bad review about it and because of my review you decide not to  buy the book again. Does that make sense to you? I hope not.

Reading habits

If you don't like to read, you haven't foud the right book- J.k Rowling
It is not that you naturally hate reading books; you just have not found the right book yet. I employ you to understand your interests and go for it. What excites you? Ask yourself is it romance, memoirs,nonfiction,paranormal,
fashion, etc what are you into? sit down and revaluate. what style of writing can you connect with. 

PS: to find out all these things I am telling you you have to read.

let me give you a tip, when you buy a book read the first chapter and/ or the last , then go somewhere in the middle, then admire the cover, breathe.

If you've done all these things and you still don't like the book feel free to drop it, try another one and if you have done all and no book interests you, come and see my therapist or book a book consultation with me  oshee did you feel my rhyme scheme . I may or may not be joking.

you know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend-Paul Sweeney

 Realize that it is not about the author, you can dislike a book from your favourite author and you can totally love a book by your worst author. Am I flowing? 

For the longest time, I was told and I believed Wole Soyinka’s books were incomprehensible, I didn’t bother reading his works till I came across ‘’Telephone conversation’’ and I loved it.

My friend did not like Chinua Achebe’s books so I assumed I won’t like it too, but look at me now, I have read Things fall apart thrice and I will still read It again because it holds so much cultural power.

There was a country

 I am not a fan of science fiction and that is Nnedi Okorafor’s specialty.
 I liked her as person not as an author till
A friend made me read ‘’Who fears death’’ not done yet but It I like It midway plus I read her short story ‘The palm wine bandit’ It is a very liberating piece.

All I am Saying  is find what you love and connect with it , you will be a book beast in no time okay and it doesn’t matter if you are a slow or fast reader, Just read at your pace, even If it takes you two days to read one chapter relax we die here , nobody is chasing you.

If you don't like someones story, write your own- Chinua Achebe

Choose a reading medium or pattern suitable for you
If it’s paper back ngwanu! , If it’s E-book swipe away, if its audio book listen till your ear drums beg for emancipation, don’t go and be deaf o and say I sent you.

Reading habits

Let me suggest various websites and apps that will help you with reading and help you find what you love to read

  Okada Books: This is for my E-book people, you buy all sorts of books here while you have access to a ton of free books too,  you can sign up Here

Any Books: you find amazing E-books there for free, like when I found out I ran there with the speed of light, you can sign up Here

.Scribd: This is perfect for Audio books, like you can legit listen to the books as someone reads them to you, sometimes it is the author that reads the book, now is that cool or what! you read free for 30 days oh bliss, sign up here My E-book lovers on this app for 500 naira per month you can access a wealth of books, is it not a wonderful something? check it out here .

Check out something bookish, Roving heights, bookpeddlerng or any book shop around you for paper backs. There are a dozen other places; these are just a few of them, Google is your friend not police so research, you just might find your treasure.

Reading habits
BTS for this photoshoot, This was my mood all through. Xo xo
There is nothing more luxurious than eating while you read-unless it be reading while you eat - E. Nesbit

 If you read till the end you are awesome and you are such a good reader. Was this helpful? Did I make helpful sense? Did I convince you  to read more? Let’s talk in the comment section, let me here your suggestions/ issues with Reading. I know this post is a little all over the place, I just hope you got the message, Still trying to master this blogging thing lol, I Love you! 

Thursday 14 February 2019


Body image

Today I want to talk about body image and why you should be confident and embrace your body.

It’s easier said than done especially in this insane media world with diverse people who define beauty by their own standards. It can be very self-conflicting to see people around you or on the internet with banging bodies that you don't have.

I believe it happens to the best of us and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. However, it is something that has to be stopped or at least reduced to the barest minimum.

We are all created differently and It’s for good reason, if everybody had a figure 8, the world would be such a boring place trust me. So just understand your body and go with exactly what works for you. It can be a good thing to dress solely according to your body shape but it can be limiting as well, I’d say wear what makes you comfortable las las everybody will be alright.


I have heard people say short girls should not wear long or midi skirts, that plus-sized girls should not wear floral, prints or turtle neck. Some say tall girls should not wear heels. Lol, what other silly punch lines have you heard?. 

Note that this is not me telling you to look dishevelled or unstylish. This is me saying be free and comfortable, enjoy whatever you like regardless of your body shape. I love  Chanel ambrose I have learned a lot about body confidence from her.

Do not let social media intimidate you, heck! most people only put up their best part or the best angle and that's fine. Don't throw a pity party for yourself over someone's portfolio. Don’t dim yourself over someone else's highlight reel. It’s okay to make an effort to slay. I edit the hell out of pictures sometimes, so just relax you are fine!

I recently watched a video about young girls talking about body Image Click here to watch, maybe it will encourage you to know that you are not alone and most people especially women go through self-esteem issues at different points in their lives. The struggle is real.

See digital tummy tuck, I couldn't breathe lol, I love it's never that deep. 

Also, there are lots of people who want to change certain things about their bodies and that’s okay. If you can’t come to terms with the body you have, then try to do something about it. It's up to you. Do not keep looking and hating yourself, hit the gym, go on a clean diet or invest in your skincare routine, get down to work and rebuild your body into that awesome masterpiece. If it’s plastic surgery you want to do, by all means, carry on but please do it well please I beg you, please.

I once saw a lady with a hexagonal bum, like her behind, was almost square. People of God save up and do it properly. There is a thin line between increasing the size of your bum and looking like a kangaroo. Your nose must not be as sharp as a double-edged sword before you have peace, the nose is for breathing and if you can breathe then your nose is perfect.

I have watched some mind-blowing plastic surgery documentaries and videos, Watch It's crazy.  Just to add stretch marks are like tiger stripes and I find it beautiful and honourable. If you have them like me don’t try to cover it or be ashamed. It is totally normal.

Love yourself because if you don’t, you’d be too miserable and thus not disciplined enough to make the changes you desire. You can read this article it will encourage you to be more confident in thyself.

Body image and the media
Say nice things to yourself as for I look like a trillion box of vanilla


Listen to me!

Your small boobs are cute, your big boobs are great. Your big belly is fun, your flabby arms will lead you to good places and hold lovely memories. Those tiny legs are sexy! 

Whether you are big, small, tall, slim, medium or anything just know that you are enough and at the end of the day it’s not what size you wear but how you wear your size.

Give up on your insecurities and go look long and hard in the mirror until you start to see and feel good about your self or perhaps take a selfie-and declare to yourself. ‘’I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am enough and I matter.’’

 I love you and I hope you learned a thing or two or three or more about body confidence,  body image, and the media. Till next time I wish you peace, don't forget to stare long and hard in the mirror it's been proven to help you embrace your body. 

Thursday 17 January 2019


Rape should stop


   I deliberately chose not to do any further research or read any article on rape before putting up this post because I want to speak only my mind.
I have also made it a point of duty to spare you the dictionary meaning of rape, I will give you my own meaning of rape.
 I will tell you what I have called it.
'Rape is a wicked/malicious act of stealing integrity, Identity, pride, etc it is the forceful engagement and ownership of a body that is not your's'. 
OK, I promised myself to make this simple.

 Rape is basically having sexual intercourse with someone without full consent yes full consent. I say this because common sense should tell anyone that mixed signals or reluctance is a red flag. If she is saying yes and no at the same time bro zip up and bounce.

I am particularly basing on the female folk because truth be told they are the main victims of this evil called rape.  I had a conversation with a friend and he said
 '' men are raped too don't make noise as if its only women that suffer it.''
I wanted to be upset because it's annoying how it's only when we talk about rights for women that some men remember they have been mistreated. If it is so rampant then talk about it, don't use it as a defense mechanism or a yardstick to measure hurt when women speak up about their experiences.

I hear that this rape thing can be common among homosexuals you know when the small boy says he is not doing again with the big man forces him. Or even older Aunts forcing young boys to do nasty things. I totally get that but today, I will focus on the narrative on the female folk.

 Rape is bad and there is no justification for it. Even if anybody chooses to walk around naked it is not an excuse to be an uncultured swine.  I mean! nobody should suffer for anybody's lack of self-control period.

I hear some people give sickening illustrations like if a bank leaves the save open and someone comes to steal their money whose fault is it. Well, let me answer this, first of , the person is a thief ole! and should be punished. c'est fini.
It is not your own in the first place so why take it without permission. Secondly, when are we going to stop comparing women to buildings and inanimate objects for crying out loud the woman/girl is not CBN or Access bank lets have sense please, and before you give the example of 'Rape is already a problem why put more fire to it by dressing indecently or going to odd places' excuse you!

we are meant to be concerned about how to stop the Rape and rapists not how to stop ourselves from getting raped by the rapists stay woke! I abhor indecent dressing but common, we are too intelligent to justify rape by that now, far be it from me and you.

rape victims

Never Blame Rape victims

1. Never blame a rape victim no matter the circumstance surrounding the rape.
you have no idea the psychological trauma, sexual assault brings.
2. Don't ask where she was or try to justify the rape done.  Show care and empathy.

married women are rape victims too


Even If you are married, dating or having sexual intercourse with a person for many years and you have sex against your will It is  Rape. The day you say I don't want and your partner forces you, listen to me you have just been raped period. Seek help.
The amount of time you've had sex before is immaterial,  don't let anybody convince you otherwise.

Rape victim 

I want us to be more reasonable and aware when it comes to rape. Let's be more accommodating and empathetic towards this issue and stop making excuses for rapists. Some people think it's fair when a woman is raped if she dresses indecently or is seen at odd places, but the length of a woman's skirt should never increase the size of your manhood. Girls in Hijabs have been raped. Children in diapers have been molested. let's be sensible please and I do agree that men go through rape too, even by women. So I can only hope and pray for a better society. It's not about the, it's just that the rapist is a dimwit.

  The cause of rape is not darkness or alcohol or indecent dressing or whatever. The sole and only cause of rape is the RAPISTS. It is what it is and please stop saying what if she was your sister or daughter or mother. It makes it look like the victim must be related to you in order not to be raped or given Justice, she doesn't need to be your sister all she needs to be is a human being.

  please leave me a comment I'll love to read. Cheers!

Sunday 4 November 2018

STORY TIME:Drug store chronicles of a black eyed woman

Gist time

I walked into a pharmacy to buy drugs since malaria started paying me monthly visits. I stood there over the counter trying to haggle the price of Amatem when this slender light-skinned lady that looked nothing short of disheveled came into the pharmacy, from the lines on her forehead and the paleness of her yellow skin I could tell she had seen rough days.
There were three nurses available to attend to people but aunty sat patiently, waiting.

I wondered why anyone would be sitting comfortably on the pew despite the over-exaggerated stench of what seemed like expired hydro-peroxide, me that just wants them to reduce two hundred naira from the money so I can be going.
I had already imagined dragging her to the counter because drug store is not a theatre where you come and watch people buy drugs bikonu! for some reason I was just on her case, just to add it was a guy attending to me. This caramel tall guy with brown eyes chai! it's not as if I didn't have extra 200, it was a planned motive to keep admiring this carefully sculpted man.

well, I turned to look at this lady again and I noticed she had a black patch on her left eye.ah! she looked like she just auditioned for a slot on www championships league, see black eye! I silently cursed whoever did this to her and if she got into a fight I needed to see what the other person looked like becauseđź‘€..I was just physically analyzing this woman then I saw a  ring on her fourth finger, no offense but from the washed-out nature of that ring i was already convinced the marriage was having issues.hian!ring that is now oversized and almost brown. change it!  Forgive me for jumping into conclusion. 

I had to hear the end of the story. So  I started asking my future boyfriend's look-alike about weight loss and healthy eating habits I even pretended to be jotting he was so impressed that he kept talking as per let me finish my degree on this girl.
10minutes later  I am still standing, the lady starts looking around, looking at me lol

if she thinks am going without knowing what she came to do she will have to come back in the night because I have time.

Usually, the nurse would ask her what the problem was, but she was busy looking for a battery for the BP machine. Everybody ignored her since her fine legs cannot carry her to the counter. I was almost giving up waiting when I heard
 '' abeg oh make una come  attend to me o, give me something to clear this face before they say my husband beat  me.''

why oh why all her coding and hiding down the drain, did she have to add the last part.
''Okay I am coming, the pretty dark-skinned battery searching nurse said as she approached the counter

"madam how did this happen"

  oya truthfully state the obvious lemme be going o 
"I don't know o nurse, i woke up and saw it like that"

in the most sarcastic voice, I have ever heard  the nurse
 " just woke up and you saw it like this, come inside"

me: singing i woke up like this I woke up like this in Beyonce's voice 

 well, the nurse gave her pain relievers and skineal among other things, just enough to restore her swollen face near to its normal state. I took my Amatem and told my yummy nurse I'll be back for more questions.
''bye, make sure you eat lots of fruits and veggies okay" he said waving at me.
veggies ko fruit ni

...I  think its really obvious what happened to this Woman. Her husband beat her and I get that she is probably ashamed of it. Hence the drama. Society handles domestic violence with stigma e.g stupid questions like "what did you do."

 I pray she heals and finds peace and wisdom to handle her current situation as for me she should report him haba how will you beat a person and change their skin color. I told my cousin about it and she said I should not be too certain about what happened to the woman. In her exact words "not all married women with a Black eye who come to buy pain relievers were beaten by their husbands"

If you have any suggestions on what you think might have happened please feel free to comment .lets chat↓↓
 ps; this picture was gotten from the internet


Monday 9 October 2017


chimamanda ngozi adichie

I really love Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and I  hope I meet her one day. This has to be my favorite quote from her.

The knowledge of cooking does not come pre-installed in a vagina, I mean cooking, by the way, is a very useful skill for a boy to have, I have never thought it made sense to leave such a vital thing "the ability to nourish oneself in the hands of others_CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE

To read more about her visit  her website

Vogue cover Chimamanda Adichie

A photo of chimamanda Ngozi adichie

Chimamanda ngozi adichie

Chimamandas speech

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