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Friday 7 February 2020


I enjoy reading stories of great women in the bible because it inspires me and makes me realize that Jesus Himself wants every woman to succeed. The marginalization of women is never God's plan.

Beautiful girl

 I love the leadership of Deborah, the courage and determination in Esther, the discerning spirit of Abigail, the prayer power of Hannah, the openness of Martha to receive counsel and the virtue of Mary among others. But you see Eve I don’t like her.
"She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it" (Genesis 3:6).
I spent time trying to understand why somebody chose an Apple over God's instruction like it wasn’t even chocolate, Ice cream or pineapple. It was Apple! Apple that is not even that sweet. Did she not find it suspicious that a serpent came to talk to her about a tree?

Her disobedience is believed to have been the cause of the pain women have to go through today. The labor pains, the cramps, the desire and competition over men, etc.

Brown skin girl

I have always imagined interviewing Eve, I would ask her questions like,

Did the Apple then taste like cold Ice cream? or were the other fruits in the garden of Eden sour?
What do you think? Because I thought Eve should have known better than to eat the fruit. 

All this is just my anger mixed with self-righteousness, because it's funny how much we blame Eve, (yes me and you) that we easily forget that women like Jezebel and Delilah existed. Jezebel that convinced her husband to kill an innocent man, promoted sexual immorality and purported to kill the prophets of God. Or is it Delilah that Samson loved yet she betrayed him for money.

There were other women who messed up in the bible but all of us want to chew Eve that ate an apple. I mean I get why it’s like that but let me open your eyes a little.

Many of us are like Eve, heck we don’t even have the right to Judge her. Now ask yourself how many times you knew the right thing to do yet you did otherwise. There are times when we knew better but didn’t do better. At this point let she who is without sin be the first to exit this blog post.

We can blame Eve all we want but let us not forget she was the first woman on earth, first to be a wife, first to be a mother and a woman with all the responsibilities that came with it. How many times have you started something for the first time and suddenly became a master at it?

Eve was a woman with many firsts and she handled a lot.  From leaving paradise to knowing one of her sons killed the other. Imagine her pain. We should be showing empathy. Not to justify her sin but think about it.

She don chop am be say she don chop am. she cannot vomit the apple!

Some people have argued that she had God and Adam to guide her so there was no excuse. That's true but some of us have God, our pastors, our parents; friends, etc and we still mess up. Most of us are as easily influenced as  Eve. Instead of blaming Eve we must learn from her mistakes, understand, and even empathize.

Fun fact: Eve was very influential. All she had to do was give the fruit to Adam, biblically Adam was the one who heard from God about this fruit issue so he basically chose his wife's voice over God's voice. ( we will talk about the fight of voices in another blog post).
Abram followed Sarai’s advice instead of trusting God’s timing.  Jacob deceived his own father because of the words of his mother, Rebekah.
King Ahasuerus listened to Esther and the Jews were spared.  Deborah accompanied Barak and a battle was won.
The bottom line is women are the most influential creatures on earth quote me anywhere.

I didn’t like Eve because I could not see past her sin and that's just Toxic. God forgave Eve and I am sure He loved her. It was just important for her to take responsibility for her actions. Eve's experience is enough tutelage for women all over the world.

As a matter of fact, I think Eve was a phenomenal woman. Do you agree?

I see Eve in myself sometimes, and you don’t need to look too much to see her in yourself too. It's the little things like when we see something nice and we lose our home training just to get it. Or the times when we choose our desires over God's voice. It’s a lot to handle.

All I am here to say is don’t be like Eve. But at the same time don’t be a hater. It is very easy to criticize something you didn’t participate in. Just be more constructive with your criticism.

We bash Eve for wanting to be “more like God” when she ate the fruit. I thought God's plan is for us to be like Him! I realized that Eve’s sin was not wanting to be like God but wanting to do so without first trying to seek God and have a relationship with Him. He would have given her wisdom and more, had she followed simple instruction.

I know this post is all over the place but it’s just how it is in my head.

IPhone 11
This is sonia not Eve and she is a darling, you can follow her on Instagram @itsoni_ee

Here are a few lessons to learn from Eve

  • Be thankful and focus on the things you have: you know how Eve left the many trees just to chase that one tree that caused the fall of man, that’s exactly how some of us focus on the things we don’t have that others do e.g. the dream house, the perfect body, etc and this breeds jealousy.
  • Don’t doubt the voice of God if he says don’t do it then don’t do it. As a woman you wield so much power and influence, please don’t use it like Eve.
  • You are not in control: The fundamental problem for Eve was that she wanted to determine what was right and what was wrong, instead of obeying her Creator.
To be continued.

Friday 24 January 2020



I started writing this post at exactly 11:22 pm not knowing what to type.
To be honest, I didn’t think I was qualified to tell you anything because 2020 did not start well for me, asides the emotional stress, it was that time of the month and if you know cramps well then you can understand that it has the ability to make you question your whole existence. Like whom did we really offend?

 I didn’t know how to come and wish you a happy new year when I had been clearly unhappy. The mantra “New Year new me” was littered all over Instagram and I just rolled my eyes at them. I started building resentment and self-doubt when I saw other peoples achievements in the past year.  I began second-guessing myself. I am sure if I checked my blood pressure at the time it would have been high.

 It took me a while to realize I was doing the wrong thing. I was breathing and sane yet I could not say a thank you to God for keeping me alive. Ingratitude is the sole source of unhappiness and this is how we limit ourselves. We don’t appreciate our present level yet we hope to attain greater heights.

Ungratefulness makes you focus on those things you lack instead of the abundance and utility of what you already have in the present. And when you don't appreciate where you are now you may never get ahead.

Just be grateful and give yourself peace. I have learned to move at my own pace and motivate myself daily because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My purpose is not a relay race, so I will only move on Gods timing.

Today is my birthday and I am grateful for life

  • I am grateful for the ability to write
  • I am grateful for the kind of friends I have made over time.
  • I am grateful for Family and
  • I am grateful for you, yes you reading this. What are you grateful for? tell me in the comment section. It can be anything!


Today is my birthday and because I love myself. I bless myself and I declare that I become more purpose-driven. That my voice is heard across continents. That my life becomes a model for people to be inspired. That my words reach and sooth the unreached. That I become prosperous.
Say a prayer for me too, bless me.

Just for fun, here are 10 random facts about me. Tell me random facts about you in the comment section. I would love to know them really.

Lip gloss

Here's mine.

Brown skin girl
  • I have never tasted Pizza in my life (guess my age)
  • I don’t like boiled eggs
  • I think plantain is overrated
  • I don’t read as much as people think I do but I am a fast reader
  • Chubby boys are my spec
  • I am allergic to roadside soya milk
  • I don’t really like the color red
  • I have never watched high school musical 
  • My love language is physical touch.
  • My favorite thing to eat is beans or bread.

Can you guess anything about me, if you are right I'd email you a personal heartfelt prayer and I'll call you.


Monday 28 January 2019


             Finally I am 18! You guys I am so ecstatic, you have no idea how long I have waited for this age.
I thank God for keeping me.  I couldn’t wait to turn 18 but look at me now feeling so old.
A part of me wishes I was turning 16 again and the other part is so pumped that I am 18. I got a lot of messages, calls etc. Like my friends are the sweetest, they were actually counting down to 12am to call me and guess what I only took one call at that time because your girl slept off  praying.

 I can’t remember what I even prayed for but I know I have been thinking and revaluating, I have asked myself some hard questions like what is my purpose , what defines me , what drives me ,who are my friends , how is my love life.

 I am talking about Agape love; my approach and response towards people How do I respond to people?  who do people say that I am( see me sounding like Master Jesus).
The phase of adulthood just began for me and I just realized that I am getting closer to being responsible for myself. People of God I can actually go to kirikiri (jail) now  so no messing up lol.

My Phone decided to start acting up and I missed a lot of calls and messages, It pained my entire being eh, I hope everybody understands while I await my Iphone x  yunno!
I recieved gifts,Hugs and lots of kisses
I honestly feel some type of way ever since my birthday party on the (25th January).

 I think it is the panic of growing older; I literally got a pen and paper to plan my life. Epic! Am I over thinking things? Tell me how you felt when you turned eighteen or grew older.

This panic didn’t start now because my favourite poem in secondary school was ‘’THE PANIC OF GROWING OLDER’’click here to read the poem,It is so beautiful, relatetable and so  freaking accurate, it's by Lenrie peters and I memorised it word for word  now, It is all up in my feelings. Oh well! My year just started and I am going to utilise it. From today I will be more intentional, consistent and happy A.K.A living my best life.

My  Eighteenth birthday was lit by the way, I had people I love come together and we had mad fun. I felt loved like everything was about me. You know I really wish to have a million followers someday with a lot of engagement on my Instagram page and blog but I realized I wasn’t ready at all.

I had roughly 200 messages on my birthday and I couldn’t reply everybody guys It’s a lot of work. I was utterly confused so on this note I forgive the love of my life Abimbola Craig for not replying any of my Dm’s. I understand now GOODNESS!!!  And I hope you learn too

Anyway, my birthday was basically a hang out situation, we played, we got to talk about Adulting , sex,rape, dressing etc. and it was on that day I realised I  never watched high school musical(don’t ask me what I did with my childhood) or Game of thrones (don’t bite me I will watch for watching sake  hopefully sometime this year)
am I the only one who has not watched it? Because everyone seems to think I am an alien for not watching it, Safe to say my birthday was both educating and entertaining.

I will be sharing all we talked about in subsequent posts guys I learnt a lot from different perspectives. Ok this is long enough let me show you  the visuals

we went to the Amusement park 

cake eating time

birthday party and cruise

we had the funest slide ever

fun slide in the park

we ate and drank to stupor

drank to stupor

my friends are the goofiest and I love It

crazy pictures from my eighteenth birthday

Cake eating time

cake eating time

yas! am 18..gee dem

and my mummy came!

mother and her girls
she is the hot one on brown trousers

I had a food baby from the party


If you stayed till the end , I love you and please take time to appreciate yourself and be with people who love you, even if it is just a handful of them.

gbe body eh! peace out

Thursday 17 January 2019


Rape should stop


   I deliberately chose not to do any further research or read any article on rape before putting up this post because I want to speak only my mind.
I have also made it a point of duty to spare you the dictionary meaning of rape, I will give you my own meaning of rape.
 I will tell you what I have called it.
'Rape is a wicked/malicious act of stealing integrity, Identity, pride, etc it is the forceful engagement and ownership of a body that is not your's'. 
OK, I promised myself to make this simple.

 Rape is basically having sexual intercourse with someone without full consent yes full consent. I say this because common sense should tell anyone that mixed signals or reluctance is a red flag. If she is saying yes and no at the same time bro zip up and bounce.

I am particularly basing on the female folk because truth be told they are the main victims of this evil called rape.  I had a conversation with a friend and he said
 '' men are raped too don't make noise as if its only women that suffer it.''
I wanted to be upset because it's annoying how it's only when we talk about rights for women that some men remember they have been mistreated. If it is so rampant then talk about it, don't use it as a defense mechanism or a yardstick to measure hurt when women speak up about their experiences.

I hear that this rape thing can be common among homosexuals you know when the small boy says he is not doing again with the big man forces him. Or even older Aunts forcing young boys to do nasty things. I totally get that but today, I will focus on the narrative on the female folk.

 Rape is bad and there is no justification for it. Even if anybody chooses to walk around naked it is not an excuse to be an uncultured swine.  I mean! nobody should suffer for anybody's lack of self-control period.

I hear some people give sickening illustrations like if a bank leaves the save open and someone comes to steal their money whose fault is it. Well, let me answer this, first of , the person is a thief ole! and should be punished. c'est fini.
It is not your own in the first place so why take it without permission. Secondly, when are we going to stop comparing women to buildings and inanimate objects for crying out loud the woman/girl is not CBN or Access bank lets have sense please, and before you give the example of 'Rape is already a problem why put more fire to it by dressing indecently or going to odd places' excuse you!

we are meant to be concerned about how to stop the Rape and rapists not how to stop ourselves from getting raped by the rapists stay woke! I abhor indecent dressing but common, we are too intelligent to justify rape by that now, far be it from me and you.

rape victims

Never Blame Rape victims

1. Never blame a rape victim no matter the circumstance surrounding the rape.
you have no idea the psychological trauma, sexual assault brings.
2. Don't ask where she was or try to justify the rape done.  Show care and empathy.

married women are rape victims too


Even If you are married, dating or having sexual intercourse with a person for many years and you have sex against your will It is  Rape. The day you say I don't want and your partner forces you, listen to me you have just been raped period. Seek help.
The amount of time you've had sex before is immaterial,  don't let anybody convince you otherwise.

Rape victim 

I want us to be more reasonable and aware when it comes to rape. Let's be more accommodating and empathetic towards this issue and stop making excuses for rapists. Some people think it's fair when a woman is raped if she dresses indecently or is seen at odd places, but the length of a woman's skirt should never increase the size of your manhood. Girls in Hijabs have been raped. Children in diapers have been molested. let's be sensible please and I do agree that men go through rape too, even by women. So I can only hope and pray for a better society. It's not about the, it's just that the rapist is a dimwit.

  The cause of rape is not darkness or alcohol or indecent dressing or whatever. The sole and only cause of rape is the RAPISTS. It is what it is and please stop saying what if she was your sister or daughter or mother. It makes it look like the victim must be related to you in order not to be raped or given Justice, she doesn't need to be your sister all she needs to be is a human being.

  please leave me a comment I'll love to read. Cheers!

Wednesday 9 January 2019


classic powder and brow pencil




Good evening or morning or anytime you get to read this. I just said let me gist you. 
I need to know if this is a sign or if it's just something we experience all the time. So have you noticed how fresh over-the-counter guys are? Please tell me you have o, It is legit like they handpick the finest people to be receptionists or sales representatives, you would sternly disagree with me If you only buy from Abacha or Ekeawka, as for me I have never been to those places, but I hear it's a commercial market with lots of people haggling you know buying and selling stuff (some people will still say they saw me there yesterday). It's well o the truth will prevail one day. For us that shop in supermarts and grocery stores maybe you can relate, 

I have graciously come to the conclusion that handsome men are designed for the counter(don't bite me) because I am a regular customer at the bank I go there to deposit or withdraw money that doesn't belong to me and every time I go there something sweet must happen and am thinking it's no longer a coincidence maybe the universe is trying to communicate something to me. AMEN! lemme gist you.
On a very hot Friday afternoon I went to the bank with my mum she had stuffs to do, I was literally just her handbag following her from pillar to post then I noticed one chocolate flavoured looking guy staring dreamily at me needless to say I wasn't in my pepper them gang attire, I basically wore a washed-out purple off-shoulder blouse  and a Jean trouser that was begging for redemption, see eh that day I couldn't have been bothered abeg.

I know you're waiting for me to land relax! grab a glass Its getting juicy.  This guy kept on looking at me and quite frankly, I was enjoying the attention so I starred back occasionally I mean! It is not every day you see a cute beard gang that doesn't look like a goat. Before I knew what was happening we exchanged Numbers, just like that. He didn't call or text for days until I went to the bank again, nobody sent me o but I know I did not go there to look for him. 20 Minutes later am enjoying bank Ac and pressing Phone then this cleaner walks up to me and gives me a note It read ''let's meet outside'' oshee! this one is smart 

 Your girl stepped outside and this yummy man walked up to her. I was way taller than him to my bewilderment , I didn't mind, do you know what can happen if my genes meet his genes oh my ovaries jumped for joy! that man is fine joor. So just as if he was the confirmation I needed to believe my friend when she said ''fine boys have issues.'' He asked when I will be available to come over to his house. I was taken aback, I was shook! so am like what do you mean and he says '' I am busy inside when are you coming to show me, love.'' 

In that moment I swear his fine face disappeared from my eyes I saw him clearly now and he was so close to the ground. How do you lack sense and height at the same time Mtcheww?  I politely walked out on him and later that night he sent me messages of how he loves big girls and dislikes them if they turn out to be 'mummies girls' like me. He said he also has good friends that will spend money on me wow! I have become a universal donor, I didn't reply any of his messages until he said 'give me your account number.' well I replied, I told him to go away, that tufiakwa! lol, I promise I refused to send it or maybe I did my memory fails me at this point lol. He views my WhatsApp story and he has wished me a happy new year but my mother said 'when you see a man like that run till your legs can reach the back of your ears.'

As if that was not enough yesterday I went to a different Bank, Trust me I never wanted to go They are always sending me Haba! It was a long queue and I could tell this guy was looking straight into my eyes. I didn't even smile pim. It got to my turn and he says ''Sweetheart your welcome.'' welcome to where I didn't say nothing. He unwrapped 50k and told me to write my beautiful name and number on the wrap, smooth thang He was communicating with his eyes and he kept batting his eyelid and smiling at me then he said ''I will keep eyeing you till you do the needful.'' He made me laugh so yea I wrote my name and number for him. I was even doing team natural that day o nothing too much, oh ok I put small classic powder and maybe small eyeliner I mean my brows where not even noticeable , even my lips were not too pink so I don't know what is always drawing bank people to me as I do not figure 8 or size 2..He has not called me back and me  I think I will spend this my two hundred naira if I don't go back to that bank and deposit it. 

What do you think? Because If I stay here my future Husband might become a thing of the past
PS; That picture was my natural look to the bank.  I did the make up myself yay

Saturday 3 November 2018


A girl with big dreams

A girl is allowed to dream. I interview myself a lot. It's for my big day, when I become that great person. I will probably look at this in the future and laugh. Now sit back and imagine you are watching me on CNN or YouTube. Cheers.

Please tell us when where you born?

I am a '20s' kid. My teenage years are almost finished.

What is your full name and are you proud of it?

My full name is Roseline Mgbodichinma Anya Okorie. I am proud of it. I am particularly in love with ''Mgbodichinma'' it translates to ''when it pleases God or surrender to the divine."

Where are you from?


Do you love playing sports or do you like watching?

I'd say both. I am not much of a sports person I try to work out sometimes and I really love watching women Olympics or gymnastics because I get to imagine running and somersaulting. I am an athlete in my mind, I run marathons with my Imagination. I only enjoy watching football when Naija is playing as a patriotic Nigerian citizen lol.

Which one is better basketball or baseball?

I think basketball because basketballers are hot (the guys with carefully crafted 6 packs of yummy goodness.)

Who is your favorite musician from the 20th century?

I do not have a favorite musician, love for music for me stems from lyrics and beats so it changes over time. I admire artists like Tasha Cobbs, Tye Tribbett, Travis Greene,waje, Cohbams. The personalities of the artists draw me into their song and my preferences change over time depending on my mood.

 Are you proud of your points in high school?

yes! I am very humbled by it. God was too good.

What's your favorite drink?

water, ok I am lying, still battling with Smoove(Chapman) and vita milk, buy me a carton of these drinks and we are married.

who is your favorite writer?

It goes without saying CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE,  have you read Half of a yellow sun! I read it twice. 

If you have children what will you name them?

I'll give them long Igbo or Yoruba names, especially my daughters I will give them difficult names, they can thank me later.

Which business do you want to have and why?

well,  I am a bit uncertain about this now but I know I want to own a fashion/beauty place. I am interested in beautiful fabrics, outfits, make up, etc because looking good is good business. I want to own a writing/publishing house too. 

What is your favorite scene from movies?

when an actor says something crazy, random, or cool I keep re-watching the scene. I like romance scenes because I love love.

How tall are you have you dreamt of being taller?

I think I am 5'7, and yes I have dreamt of being taller.

What is your favorite number please tell us why?

 I never thought about this before  but now I think it is number one 1, maybe because it represents unity.

Have you ever dreamed of being a successful lawyer?

yes! I am a law student currently and I dream of myself landing mergers, going to trial and closing deals, that's how havard started doing me after watching suits(I recommend you should watch it.)

Where do you want to travel?

Everywhere! Right now I really want to go to South Africa (to my south African readers👋heyylowww)

Can you describe yourself in three words?

Caring, Assertive, free-spirited.

How many books do you read during summer vacations?

Three to five then lots of poetry.

What was the reason you cried the last time?

I was asking God for forgiveness, cos I messed up big time.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10years I would have published my book, finished law school. The rest is up to God

Do you have pets?

Nope, after a dog chased the skin out of me I took a conscious decision not to be a pet person.

What's the color of your eyes?

It is pepper red when I am angry, and black normally.

What's your favorite pass time?

watching music and dance videos I can do it all day.

If you can eliminate one limitation in your life what will it be?

It will be uncle and aunty procrastination.

Do you sing in the shower?

YES, I release my debut albums and singles there.

I interviewed myself

Roseline mgbodichinma's blog. Theme by BD.